


The Peaceful Protest Action Supporting the Burmese Peoples Struggle Against the yanmar Military Junta.

The peaceful protest actions led by the monks of Burma against the Myanmar military junta and for the restoration of democracy have finally been confronted with guns and other violent action. At least nine people have been killed (including one journalist) and hundreds, perhaps thousands, arrested. The Mynmar junta has also cracked down on the press and instituted a blockade of communication in order to constrain the flow of information. The leader of the democratic struggle, Aung Saan Suu Kyi, has been seized from her home where she has been under house arrest, and moved to Insein prison. Once more the Myanmar military junta has spilled blood. The struggle for democracy in Burma must continue in order to end the Myanmar military junta's oppression. The road map to democracy which had been offered as the hope for a peaceful solution in Burma is further and further away from being realised.

As components of civil society who are opposed to violence against the people and who are struggling for human rights and democracy, it is our duty to continue the struggle without concern for state borders. Indonesian Solidarity with the People of Burma (Solidaritas Indonesia Untuk Rakyat Burma - SIRB) is an Indonesian alliance which supports the struggle of the Burmese people. SIRB fully supports the resilient and courageous struggle of the Burmese people against the Myanmar military junta.

The Burmese people have been struggling for 19 years against a military power which used violence and undemocratic methods in seizing and retaining power. The 888 massacre (8 August, 1988) and the cancellation of the democratic general elections which was won by the National League for Democracy was the bloody foundation upon which this regime stands.

The resilience of the Burmese military junta has been possibly partly because of the political and economic support it receives from China, Russia and India - all of whom have fully supported the actions of the regime in the past. At the same time, the lack of a clear and firm political stand by ASEAN has also provided another basis of support for the Myanmar military junta.

The Indonesian government has also never taken a clear and firm stand on the issue of a political solution for Burma. Indonesia has abstained on votes on Burma in the Security Council of the United Nations. Indonesian has never taken a progressive initiative within ASEAN aimed at solving the Burmese issue, which has always been a sensitive and complicated issue in ASEAN. Indeed during his 2006 visit to Burma, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono firmly refused to meet Aung San Suu Kyi whom he viewed as a "rebel"..

Indonesian Solidarity with the People of Burma (Solidaritas Indonesia untuk Rakyat Burma) thus demands a change in political stance by the Indonesian government which must begin to be pro-active in achieving a political solution for Burma. As current president of the UN Security Council, Indonesia must press for a UN SC resolution on Burma condemning the Myanmar military junta's violence and sending a Special Envoy to investigate the violence. As a member of the UN Human Rights Commission, Indonesia must also press for a solution in Burma within the corridors of democracy and respect for human rights. Within ASEAN, Indonesia must lead the way in expelling Burma from ASEAN until a democratic solution is implemented in Burma.

Indonesian Solidarity with the Burmese People also condemns the blind support to the junta from China, India and Russia, who moved to veto and block the 2007 UN SC resolution intended to support a process towards democratisation. China, Russia and India must end their support for the Myanmar military junta.

Indonesian Solidarity with the Burmese People condemns the acts of violence, murders, violation of political and civil rights, suppression of the press, murder of journalists and other violation of human rights carried out by the Myanmar military junta against the monks and people of Burma who are demanding a restoration of democracy. Indonesian Solidarity with the Burmese People demands the unconditional release of Aung San Suu Kyi and the thousands of other political prisoners. The violence and murder must end immediately. The Myanmar military junta must end its rule and recognise the results of 1990 democratic elections as an essential condition of restoring democracy in Burma.

Jakarta, 28 September 2007

Contak Person:
Wahyu Susilo 08129307964, Faiza Mardzoeki 085215436749 Tri Agus SS 08158031815, Tunggal Pawestri 08174962666 Yeni Rosa: 08158739082,

Solidaritas Indonesia untuk Rakyat Burma

ANBTI, INFID, Institut Ungu, KMSUB/Solidamor, DPP PKB, GHURE, HIKMAHBUDHI, SHMI, MADIA, Papernas, LMND, Demos, UPC, Repdem, Migrant CARE, PIJAR, LBH Jakarta, Arus Pelangi, PBHI Jakarta, Sarekat Hijau Indonesia, Manusia (Masyarakat Anti Nuklir Indonesia), TIM, YPSEA Indonesia, GMKI, Tranparency International - Indonesia, Gerakan Mahasiswa Sosialis, Solidaritas Perempuan, Kalyanamitra, KAPAL Perempuan, YSIK, Praxis, KONTRAS, HRWG, Federasi Kontras, SIKAP Institute, CePAD, Yayasan Duta Awam, CIMW, PBJ, PMK-HKBP Jakarta, Institut Perempuan, ALHA-RAKA, PPOTODA FH UNBRAW, KMP-KWI, HAPSARI Sumut, IGJ, Wahid Institute, Sekitarkita, LkiS Yogyakarta, SARI Solo,
PKWJ UI, Institute Ecosoc Rights, Perhimpunan Solidaritas Buruh Yogyakarta, SBMI Jatim, Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia, KBRD, Tifa Foundation, ILRC, MDI, IDSPS, LIMA, GANDI, APKP, Pergerakan Indonesia, Forum LSM Yogya, Asian Migrant Centre, Indonesian Migrant Workers Union, KOTKIHO, Seknas ASPPUK, LBH Surabaya, Serikat Tani Nasional, PRM, PPSW


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