Joint Statement

Timor-Leste NGOs in Solidarity of Peaceful Demonstrations Led by Buddhist Monks in Burma Urging Government to Enter into Dialogue

We, representatives of Timor-Leste Human Rights NGOs express our deepest solidarity in the spirit of human rights with the peaceful and holy movement initiated by Buddhist Monks and joined by many Burmese citizens, who have been holding peaceful demonstrations exercising their right to freedom of opinion and expression for several days now in different places in the country.

We are very concerned about media reports that the Government has now used force in response to the demonstrations, that demonstrators have been beaten and that two persons might have been killed. We strongly condemn this brutal crackdown to stop this peaceful demonstration and urge the Government to enter into dialogue with its population, and to allow the UN Special Envoy immediate and free access to the country.

We support statements by the UN as well as the international community including the Timor-Leste Government strongly condemning the violence in Burma. We appeal to ASEAN and the Chinese Government, to intervene in whatever manner possible, to urge the Burmese government to show utmost restraint and avoid the recurrence of the pain and suffering resulting from its actions in 1988, now almost 20 years ago. We call on ASEAN
and all its members, in the true spirit of being an association of nations, to act immediately and not to consider the recent development in Burma as Burma´s internal matter only.

The current events in Burma remind us, Timorese, starkly of the struggle for human rights we went through in our recent history. We never forget the international solidarity shown in the past around the world for the plight of the Timorese. We know that the use of violence and oppression never leads to genuine lasting stability and peace. The voices of the Burmese people urgently need to be heard. We therefore appeal to the Burmese government to immediately release the leader of the National League for Democracy, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and engage in talks with a view to ultimately finding a long-term solution to the important issues Burma is facing today, and that is just for all its people.

Timor-Leste, 27 September 2007

For release and for further information
Contact: Joao Pequinho (Hp. (+670) 724 2099)

This statement has been signed by:

La'o Hamutuk - The Timor-Leste Institute for
Reconstruction Monitoring and Analysis
East Timor Reflection Network (ETCRN)
Grupo Feto Foinsae Timor Leste (GFFTL)
Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP)
East Timor Insight Research Laboratory
Konfederasaun Sindikatu Timor-Leste (KSTL)
Alola Foundation
KATILOSA Disability Support Program
HAK Association
Pat Walsh (Individual)
Rogerio Vicente (individual)
Amelia de Araujo (individual) .

Asian Human Rights Commission
Address: 19/F, Go-Up Commercial Building,
998 Canton Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Tel: +(852) - 2698-6339 Fax: +(852) - 2698-6367